To celebrate International Women's Day Tinitrader asked to interview me along side four inspiring women. Gosh what an honour!
Here's my favourite bit from a long term girl-crush of mine, Rachel Castle:
"I'm such a motto lover. But if I had to pick one it would be that good old chestnut about working hard and staying humble. I work as hard now as I ever had, the only way to get any traction is to just keep going like Dory does."
To read the full article click here, enjoy!
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Sometimes in life you have to put all your eggs in one basket. At least that's how I seem to live. From the very beginning, when the idea of Mustard was taking shape, I knew that I wanted to launch at Life InStyle. I knew that wholesale was where our energy needed to be focused to gain momentum and Life InStyle was the perfect platform for the brand we wanted to create. I did the research and looked into other options, I asked everyone I knew who had done a trade show. But, in the end there was only a Plan...
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